>>5749742sweet foobar, 8.5/10.
>>5749858not a fan of those blurred icons on the desktop. also, look into changing the taskbar icons. still, 7.5/10.
>>5749877don't you have appchanx/4chanx or did you disable it because it has problems at the moment? either way, that blue is not for me, 6.5/10.
>>5749887alright wallpaper, not a fan of the rainmeter though. kinda default, 6.5/10.
>>5749913icons and the wallpaper are good, 8/10.
>>5749923too much rainmeter for me. also, get rid of the recycle bin preferably. 6.5/10.
>>5749985i love the wallpaper, rainmeter is alright too but you really should do something about that firefox tabs. and maybe with the cmd also. 7.5/10.
>>5750022>Rainmeter desktop that looks like a spaceship control hub designed by Tony Stark are 10/10.jesus.
>>5750026that firefox needs work, both on fonts and tabs. taskbar is alright though, a little fat maybe. 7/10.