>>7842186>Do you think phone cameras work alright given that I find a way to edit them until I can afford something better?Depends on what kind of pictures you want to take. If you just want to take nice, colorful photos, then sure. If you want to take the kind of pictures that I post in these threads then probably not. An important part of the pictures I post is that they are taken with a "low depth of field," essentially meaning - how much of the photograph's depth is in focus. It's what gives you that effect where the foreground is in focus and the background is tastefully "blurred." or vice versa.
For that you need a camera where you can accurately control the depth of field. I think some phone cameras do have options for that, essentially its what "portrait mode" is. But then you also want a lens that you can use to manually change the area that is in focus. Most phones don't do that or only do an extremely basic version of that.
I'd imagine you might be able to get a used camera that's workable for less than $100. I don't think I'd be able to sell my camera for any more than that. It's 15 years old.