>>7621783Im 23, gonna be 24 in february. Lost my (rather well paying) job in april thanks to chinkflu and havent been able to find another one, my sister is getting married in january to one of my friends. Theyre both younger than me by a few years. I was married once, she died of brain cancer a few months after we got married. I was 19 and she was 18. I havent been in a relationship since that just because im not good enough for the girls in my state. For the most part they are self absorbed thots that only want [insert instagram model] and not men who know how to actually work. Im not not even sure how i feel anymore about anything. I wont ever make as an artist or making music because theres no fucking drummers in iowa (thanks slipknot). I would love to move to maine where i can be left alone to work on my carvings but i dont think that will ever happen and i heavily consider just killing myself on a weekly basis. Iowa is a fucking fentanyl fueled hellhole with nothing to offer the world besides shitty numetal and hog shit