Got a bit of an art project going on lads
>>7258302The colors on this are a little harsh, try consolidating your pallette a little bit. Also try making the fonts on the center and left the same.
>>7258393Nice and clean, and you already know the animations are great. Overall really nice. Maybe use Google's weather icons?
>>7258398Way too cluttered, move some of that stuff onto new screens. Also might want to base the color scheme on your pape.
>>7258445Clean, consistent, looks really good!
>>7258676Too many colors, pop that animu picture in an editor and change the background colors. Otherwise ok.
>>7258724Bottom is a good start, otherwise font choice is trash
>>7258783Pick a less rigid serif font (ie one with rounded corners) and move the clock up a lil
>>7258784You don't need to try this hard to be minimalist, also 2 clocks