Finally got myself to switch away from windows a few days back, anyone got some good tips for customizing on linux (Webpages, links, anything)?
>>7528910Like how it's simple yet not boring, love the colors especially!
>>7529218You must be very lonely or just really, really based
>>7529241May i ask why you still use windows even tho you use VMs and Pale Moon?
>>7529732Love it, can we see the wallpaper tho?
>>7529733We live in a society
>>7529734nice pape but imo it'd look better if the icons would be more spaced, eg. one left top, one bottom left, one bottom right, one top right
>>7529738Beautiful pape
>>7529744based goatse
>>7529853hella adorable background, need myself a girl like that
>>7529998How much time did it take to customize Windows to that level? Like holy shit...
>>7530487Simple, calming, like it a lot
>>7530736Pape? And do you plan on ricing it or even installing linux?
>>7530841looks hella comfy, won't ask for pape since
>>7533689 asked already
>>7531173icons + clock at the bottom a bit too big for my taste, love the rest tho
>>7532282red works well with background, pape looks like a drawing so I'm simply gonna ask for the name of it
>>7532502Majority of icons left, majority of pape right, love the balance of it
>>7532675love the bladerunner pape, even tho top is a bit too empty for my taste
>>7532915simply dump all the shortcuts in a single folder, makes it easier to manage and looks better, like the pape tho
>>7532929i'd move the icons off the red part of the pape, maybe put the icons around it or delete some shortcut and put them all inside the red, will look aesthetically more pleasing
>>7533027are the glowing outlines shopped on the pape or rendered through a program?
>>7533045Luv it, one of my favs itt
>>7533227lmao nice pape coomer, mind posting it?
Last few comments made post too long, will make pt2