>>6335280>Implying Trotsky was a communist lol .What a retarded picture.
"Trotskyism became a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction"
.-Fidel Castro, January 15, 1966.
" I make a comparison between Rudzutak’s theses and those submitted by Trotsky to the Central Committee. At the end of thesis 5, I read:
...a reorganisation of the unions must be started right away, that is, a selection of functionaries must be above all made from precisely that angle”. . . .
There you have an example of the real bureaucratic approach: Trotsky and Krestinsky selecting the trade union “functionaries!"
.- V.I. Lenin, The Trade Unions, The Present Situation and Trotsky’s Mistakes, December 30, 1920
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Trotsky was fundamentally wrong… Trotskyites ultimately failed because their methods are bad."
.- Ernesto Che Guevara, Apuntes criticos a la Economia Politica, 1964.
"The Trotskyists are not only enemies of communism , but also enemies of democracy and progress. They are the more hideous traitors and spies"
.-Ho Chi Minh, Letter to the Indochinese Communist Party, Kweli, May 10, 1939.
Fuck Trotsky, Fuck trotskyism, Slava Stalin!