Hi guys, I'm
>>6292186I loved the pape but I'm trying new layouts and after several tries the size of that pape was too troublesome to make anything different, so, made something new. Music player is in a hideable dock.
>>6292188Waste of screen
>>6292189Thanks. Shazam widget is ugly and and minimal clock is overused. Everything else works nice and looks pretty good.
>>6292202It should work...but it doesn't. Dunno. Thanks btw.
>>6292212I like those new icons.
>>6292230Thanks, I like it too. Feels pretty comfy.
>>6292309Best color scheme that I have tried in a while. Yours is not bad but feels a bit "generic"
>>6292310Nah. It works.
>>6292313I don't like it too much but it's not bad. Good.
>>6292437Emma/10. Cool setup tho, I wish I could use KLWP
>>6292456Icons don't seem to fit there. Looks like they are "thrown" there
>>6292754I think I'm starting to hate blur and flower papes.
>>6292776Meme boxes but it's still different. I like it but I liked too when it had colored borders.
>>6293204I forgot to comment on your setup last thread, and yeah, I don't expect anyone to like the furry papes, don't worry. Thanks tho, and I like yours, good use of the wallpaper. I just don't like too much the big Gotham letters that are too near of the nav bar.
>>6293210I hate so much text clocks.
>>6293211You are in the wrong place.
>>6293333Much better. Maybe you could use the cube as clock, and hide the status bar and those white icons...just maybe tho.