Rating ones with least amounts of replies.
Looking for suggestions of a better music player, solid yet warm and elegant and a clock to use.
this will become something much bigger.
>>6355051It's simple but I love it for some reason
>>6355083Spooky. I like it.
Add a few icons or something to really make it pop
>>6355207Saw this a few days ago. Fell in love with it.
>>6355410I like this, but I feel like adding some solid icons, rather than outlines would be a lot better.
>>6355601I LOVE this.
>>6355644Loving that wallpaper man.
Great as usual.
>>6355655No criticisms from me
Only suggestion is to add solid icons, rather than outlines
>>6355927Idk why yours didn't get rated more. I like this a lot. 10/10
Where was this taken?
>>6356144>>6356145You done well son
>>6356323Not crazy about the clock font, other than that, 7/10
>>6356354You're basically the opposite of me, in that you don't have everything on one screen, but I respect that. 9/10
>>6356433Rad as heck dude
>>6356456Just fix the icons and you'll be 10/10
>>6356521>>6356522>>6356526You gotta have one consistent theme man
>>6357126Add some more stuff in there. It seems bland.