Been a while for me. Haven't had a lot of time for ricing. This thread has some really nice ones so far. Here's my main screen I put together recently. Still playing around with some ideas.
>>6743089This is really cool. Something feels a little off with the overall aesthetic to me, but I like the concept a lot.
>>6743090The elements blend together a little too much for my liking. Like the setup as always though.
>>6743108This is a truly gorgeous rice. Love it from top to bottom. Excellent work.
>>6743110I dig it. Overall concept works well and I love that animation.
>>6743116Another well done rice; nice and clean. Classy.
>>6743120Not loving the plain clock font, but the animation looks cool.
>>6743122Agree with the others. Overused pape and weird icon placement. It doesn't look bad at all for a first time, but could use some work.
>>6743131I'd use some different icons and a pape or box that makes them more visible.
>>6743133Bit too much color for my liking, but hey, whatever you're into.
>>6743136Beautiful. Not much to say other than I absolutely love it.
>>6743165Great color scheme and nice layout. Good rice.