Just picking from what grabs my eye, and people who haven't gotten ratings.
>>5676573 | Makes me feel comfy.>>5675938 | Sucker for geometry so good stuff>>5675375 | Clean and minimal>>5674998 | Best customization in thread.>>5678236 | Dual clocks, but what is ricing without it. Pretty girl.>>5678169 | Rainmeter works here (minus the system clock. Decent start, would like to see icon sets and some more work on your chrome.css for the browser>>5678168 | Feels a bit lazy or beginner, try looking for similar rainmeter setups. Otherwise it looks all disjointed.>>5678155 | Icons aside, wallpaper is niceOh and go ahead and judge my taste in vidya, most of that is for quick reference for friends dragging me into one or the other.