It looks really similar to before, but I did change some font weights and sizes, evened out some proportions, some other minor tweaks. I still can't decide on a wallpaper.
>>5771235 As others have said, it is a bit too minimal, there doesn't seem to be much function to it.>>5771308 The font seems like a body text font, and doesn't come off so amazingly as a title font. My personal preference is toward capitals (as you can see), and I would advise you to add spacing between the numbers and "MB", and to change the case on one of the "MB" to match the other. I would also maybe try spacing the words evenly between the margins.>>5771433 Please don't dump things that aren't yours, unless they are to show a specific example. We want to give constructive feedback (aka circlejerk) on our own screens>>5771487 it's okay but it isn't exceptional.>>5771661 you're right, it's worse.>>5771690 sizing, spacing, maybe font...>>5771772 I like that they are along the side, but the iPhone-wannabe notification bar (plus the fact that it's a Samsung, the iPhone-wannabe phone) makes me dislike it more than I should.>>5771798 I like this more than I should. It's kewl.>>5771810 perhaps lower the contrast / brightness on that wall? it's a bit disorienting.>>5771849 play with the margins, it might look a bit better. It's nice.>>5771851 I feel like those buttons / icons in the middle are redundant, and that having some big widgets at the bottom ruins the "small things in the middle" vibe. It seems like you don't have a focus with it yet. Keep playing with it.>>5771924 Stock app drawer, and it seems like you just took the basic formula (icons in the bottom middle, clock / info top middle) and threw together something from some unmodified widgets. Don't be afraid to explore a bit more.>>5771927 very stock, and disorienting.>>5772011 Bit too plain, maybe try pie controls?>>5772107 I'm getting real tired of that date and time widget.