>>7396107>after a good workout my muscles are sore and that's how I know it's time for a breakThat's a common misconception. Soreness is actually not causally linked with the quality of a workout. Great workouts are a result of some combination of muscle damage, metabolic stress, and muscular tension. Soreness is caused by a certain amount muscle damage, and you actually don't need to induce that much muscle damage for hypertrophy.
>You're telling me I can NOT lift some days and be comfy instead? This is mind-blowing stuff.Maybe for you living a humdrum carefree life is the easy obvious choice, but believe it or not, some people are more ambitious. They look at being comfy as a waste of time. Why relax when they could be spending time improving themselves? For example, on /fit/ there are multiple threads every day about people having panic attacks because they missed one workout.