This is definitely more synthwave than vaporwave, but there's not a thread to really post this shit in.
I've just finished this one today.
I'm going to try to sell some new art as album art for musicians. I've had some people come to me before for this kind of thing and I've done it for free, but I need cash for gas and the like. So I've decided to make a series of templates that basically show off what the finished cover art would look like.They'd be $10, and I'd be editing them to fit the band or artist (so if you or anyone you know makes synthwave or needs art done, pls ask).
Anyway, I'm sorry about shilling, but in return, here's the first in the series, ready for wallpaper use.
and if you do actually want something done, hit me up., sorry for the shill, but I love you guys, and you've come through for me before.