Quoted By:
>That was the best day of my life.
I'm an odd person and this was causing friction between me and my girlfriend at the time. Basically i had a nice decompressive explosion at her which went something along the lines of "rather than trying to fix every little thing you don't like about me like i'm some little project why don't you shut the fuck up for once and experience life through my eyes and see why i am the way i am."
Honestly figured she'd dump me on the spot but she took me up on that offer. The next day i bummed around minneapolis and showed her bits of me that i usually reserve solely for passersby that will never see my face again or won't attach one passing with the other.
Showed her why i slung drugs and how i craved the excitement.
Why i found the resulting near death experience funny and relieving rather than terrifying.
Why i'd rather a dog hit by a car than take it to a vet.
Why i spent half my pay on day old baked goods for the homeless.
How and why i occasionally volunteered to take meals to elderly people who chose freedom over retirement homes.
How i'd have a home at a Rastafarian's and elderly woman's place and why if anything ever went wrong in my life.
Generally just condensed a whole month of my usual activities into a weird day that was crazy by my standards and finally ended with us sleeping outside on the street corner with down and out friends explaining the little details of my personal philosophy and why i do what i do. Whole bit was even topped off with what i later learned was the perseud meteor shower.
Sadly i dumped her shortly after as rather than hoping she'd just accept me for me she got obnoxious and started bragging to everyone within earshot about the things i did to keep busy and eventually it got back to my family despite me asking several times for her to keep quiet about it. She had this odd idea that anything that breaks from the norm or charity should be shouted from the rooftops.