Lemme know what you guys think, contributing to spacemen. If I didn't rate you, I either already have or you didn't rate anyone, just too many otherwise.
>>7012945Really like this, 8.5/10
>>7013200Very nice but could do without the notification bar, 8/10.
>>7014399It's nice, just triggers my autism how it's all aligned to the right but that's a personal thing. 7/10.
>>7015240Can't really fault it other than it being boring, solid, 7.5/10
>>7015323Are you the same guy posting this vertical bar down the middle again? It's nice but I wonder if it keeps needing to be done. 7.5/10.
>>7015381Literally the only thing that I can fault about this is that some of the colours on the changing hexgon are bright and some aren't. 9.5/10.