>>7512138Hey dude, Insaniquarium Deluxe Carnivore here. Please don't pivot yourself as the enemy in this situation, everyone makes mistakes and thats what makes you human, even if you make a mistake like you did with that girl you still learned from it, so you can be more careful next time.There is no need to dwell in the past since it has already happened, the best to do man is to just keep looking forward and don't look back, the most important person in your life is you, so don't let anybody ruin that for you,I have dealt with something like that in the past, and the best thing is to just move on, since it will just eventually you waiting for something, waiting for something more then a friendship, and get nothing in return, I am not an expert though I am just telling from my experience, but I hope the best of luck to you man, and keep looking forward man.
>>7512081I say start working out, maybe purchase a gym membership and work out 4 times a week, you will feel happy with the results and not only will it increase your confidence, but it will make you more sexually pleasing towards women,I have gone through a rough patch in my life and working out has helped a lot, just a routine will make you feel more productive with yourself and maybe you will even meet that special someone once you start working out,I wish you the best of luck man, it's going to be difficult at the start, but it gets easier eventually, and aim for that man.
>>7512069Same with the other guy I commented on, working out is a great solution to these things, it distracts yourself and gives you that precious dopamine you feel, it is a slow process though, but I know you can do it man, I believe in you and wish you the best of luck
>>7511843Many people have ditched college, searching for a better life, a better future, in my opinion,I would keep going through college, I know it might be a pain in the ass but just a few more years man and you will be free to do what you want.