I know it's simple. It does everything I need and nothing I don't. Dots are folders. Hidden status bar and invisible gesture nav. Swipe down for notification shade and swipe up for app search.
>>7616985 (OP)A+ for effort, especially the image transition. Not something I would use, but mad respect. 10/10
>>7616987Reminds me of a legal pad. Unique and well executed but boring. 6/10
>>7616993I don't get what you were going for here. It's not super ugly. 3/10
>>7617019Appreciate the commitment to the theme. Nav buttons ruin everything. 7/10
>>7617027Love the color scheme. Usually hate pixel fonts, but you've used it perfectly here. 10/10
>>7617368>>7621370>le vaperwave 6/10>>7617388Pape is noisy and makes the icons difficult to see. 2/10
>>7617472Pape is weird and crowds out the album widget. Font is nice. 4/10
>>7617501I get what you're going for, I just don't like the idea. Feels forced. Could clean up the bottom of the screen a bit. 4/10
>>7618055Some cool ideas, but looks so plain. Like a bare HTML webpage. 5/10
>>7618432Zero effort but at least it's organized. 1/10
>>7618824>iphone>>7619105I remember doing something like this on my iphone 3GS. Well executed and clean. 8/10
>>7619159I feel like I shouldn't like it, but I do. Like the attention to detail with the arrangement of apps by color. 8/10
>>7619160Nice font. Icon colors don't mesh with the Pape. 5/10
>>7619188>>7619236Don't like the color combo, but it's interesting. 5/10
>>7620428Give your folders an icon and get rid of the labels on the dock or at least make them smaller. 3/10
>>7620802>vaberwabe 1/10>>7621610Not ugly, but painfully stock. 4/10
>>7621988Horrible. Boring and noisy at the same time. Dark status bar gets lost at the top. 1/10
>>7622560Icons would look better at the bottom of the screen. 2/10