>>5996987startpage is okay, it would be better if the font was consistent.
>>5997005middle of the wallpaper is just too bright for my liking, okay otherwise.
>>5997006cute although the incomplete taskbar bothers me.
>>5997018bit dark but good otherwise. font of the address bar looks a bit out of place.
>>5997121not for me. still, hide the taskbar, it will be considerably better.
>>5997148fonts. also the wallpaper looks a bit too agressively-coloured.
>>5997166cool wallpaper but that's literally it.
>>5997242good as always. consistent.
>>5997247okay, but really not much to comment on.
>>5997352sweet wallpaper, good colour scheme. i like this. it's bright though.
>>5997363i like the taskbar and the wallpaper is okay but that's about it.
>>5997388sweet minimal firefox, i like the shadows too.
>>5997549i know that feel. wallpaper is not that bad, it can surely be saved with a good firefox layout.
>>5997855still good.