>>62704976/10 - don't really like the clock, considering the hour is a bit hard to make out, but i do like the layout of the icons at the bottom.
>>62704327/10 - I'm not really into wallpapers odd girls, but this one works pretty well. I like the icons, but I think the app drawer one should be more subtle, and the black bar thinner.
>>62704155/10 - not really a fan of that wallpaper, and it just looks a bit empty. Maybe move the folders around the middle.
>>62703997/10 - looks good, but I'm not really liking the font. Maybe also move the battery to be on top of everything instead of our being underneath.
>>62702436/10 - main problem I have with this is the wallpaper, it should either be a solid color or a proper picture, not both. Other than that, it's not bad.