I've got 3 requests here, so I'll try to keep them all to a single post.
For the first one, could someone take pic related and blow it up to either 1080 vertically (or if that looks bad then just 900 would be fine) then extend both side outward evenly so that it's 16:9?
For the second one, this might be difficult to outright impossible, but I'd love to see the image linked to directly below this paragraph made into a 16:9 wallpaper that's 1080 vertically, or if that looks like shit then just 900 is fine. I doubt it's possible to extend it vertically, so if you have to change the aspect ratio then I can live with that.
http://www.markzero.net/videogames/output/slides/AU_Billboard01.jpgThe third and final request is for the image link to directly underneath this paragraph. What I'd like would be for the image to be blown up to 1920 horizontally, then for the top to be extended to 1080 with the background texture maintained. If you think moving the "who's the man with nothing to lose?" text to the top looks better than having all the empty space above it then that might be worth trying out. And again, 1600x900 is an acceptable alternative if it just plain looks like shit any larger than that.