kwgt noob here r8 for r8 pls. Rocking delta, nova, ocea kwgt
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>>7320500nice dubs. Add a little more padding/space between the clock and the battery. Add 2 more apps as well; I'm sure there are two other apps you like to use besides chrome n snapchat
>>7320362Find a better icon pack that suits the pixel-y style of the wallpaper i guess? Nice dock. Is it part of the launcher or is it a widget?
>>7320065Blends nicely with the wallpaper. What icon pack is that? It allows you to change icon color?
>>7320566dubs confirm pro. How do you show the system specs off like that??
>>7319655try flat white icons, or lines?
>>7319614>>7319613make the clock a bit bigger. Take dots out. A better font could work...
>>7319522Nice dubs. Bump up the icons near the lower right corner of the pic of the guy with the helmet.
>>7319479Simple "story-book" feel. Put the date and time info a bit closer to the upper left portion of the screen. There are BETTER cursive fonts out there by the way, but the font really matches the icons you have going on
>>7319059first and third are btreey great m8
>>7318908If you're using nova, I think you can get rid of the white up arrow thing that slides to your app drawer
>>7318771nice battery. pape too lewd for my taste
>>7318585Liking the font. The design works well with any somber, grainy papes.
>>7318515Take out the PERSIST or put it somewhere else. Match the color of the dock with the color of the pink grid on your wallpaper. Looks meme-y
>>7318486PLease take out the flashlight text. Otherwise, really good. I'm not a fan of those kinds of clocks, personally.
>>7318067A darker tinge of green wouldn't hurt. If you can edit the green lighting of the pape along with the green of your text then that makes it all the more better. Btw, does that root command even work?
>>7318066Nice dubs. I like it. No qualms here.