think im done with this one, only small tweaks since last thread, moved the menu a bit down, cleaned up the lockscreen abit. on unlock the clock glides down and date/battery bar fades out. might move the clock a couple units up.
>>7141060not really interesting imo
>>7141062better spaced now, looks real nice
>>7141344why do you need/want seconds in the clock? i'd recommend testing different fonts, and maybe b/w the bg if you waanna keep the white icons. you could also try different colours for the text.
>>7141373nice pape 'n' pic. the hexagon throws me off abit, doesnt really fit with the top half. what you change kinda depends on what part you want to keep, top or bot.
>>7141400what's your reasoning behind this? is it just 'i am minimalist, look at me' or is tehre another reason. also i cant tell if its your pape thats split or the mockup. if its the pape its half decent, if not meh. if you wanna go with the text find a better suited font, a serif might contrast well.
>>7141403app font doesnt really scream jojo to me, but i havent seen it so i might be wrong. some dots on the clock might be nice too