>>6554950Doesn't look too bad, but not too great either. It just looks too crowded for my liking. It would look a lot better if you got rid of the pictures on the middle and right screens, and put all your icons onto a multi-page dock. Do you also really need to have your name at the bottom? 5/10
>>6555024I actually quite like that, but I agree with
>>6555242, you should probably get rid of the notification bar, and set a swipe up to launch the Google search or something like that. Otherwise, it's actually really good. 8.5/10
>>6555242Looks very nice, I'd just move the phone icon up so its in the middle of the others, it just looks a little out of place where it is now. 7/10
>>6555266This looks good. Only thing that's bugging me about it is there isn't an 's' after 'pic'. Other than that, I really like it. 8/10
>>6555315All you really need to do with this one is change the font to something that matches the wallpaper more, and tweak the font colours so they match the planets, like what
>>6555266did. 6/10
>>6555510It'd look better with a combined clock/weather widget, and a hidden notification bar. Otherwise it looks alright. 5/10
>>6555529All I think this really needs is a slightly thicker font. 8/10
>>6555537I think you just need something in the middle. A weather or music widget would look nice. Otherwise 6/10