i'm not feeling this one
suggestions please
>>7015052copy someone else until you get the hang of it
>>7015009it's nice, i guess
wouldn't use it
>>7014699would look better if the space between boxes were the same and if at least two font sizes matched
>>7014629try again
>>7014608nice idea anon
put the clock in vertically on the right side, might look better
>>7014576can barely see icons
>>7014568lose the red, rearrange the icons
>>7014484elliptical text for music player
also, why break one screen worth of info into three screens?
>>7014470remove bottom icon
>>7014245nav bar ruins everything
>>7013200reduce line weight
>>7013169find better suiting icons and reduce their size a bit so they match the clock
>>7013128remove status bar and reduce text size and you have a basic rice
>>7013008statusbar black is too black, try #333333, and reduce its size
>>7012945i like it