Current normie-core setup. I kinda stopped doing high-end papes once I got featured on the site.
>>7826785Very stylish, I like it a lot m8. Not always easy to get pape, widget and icons to match well, but you definitely have. I could nitpick about readability, but as long as you know what the icons do, cheers.
>>7825040Yeah so, the problem with real minimal mostly text setups is you gotta be real precise, or else things start looking messy. I'd say experiment with different fonts and placements until you get something a little for stylish. Maybe try having some of the text ultra stylized, maybe have some of it offset. Consider the cover of Life of Pablo by Kanye West and some of the vaporwave art it inspired, that should give you a good direction.
>>7820893>>7821509Yeah that looks sick dude. I mean maybe you could have the grass or leaves parallax a little to add more depth, but other than that looks bretty gut.
>>7819929Cute, simple, utilitarian, very nice.
>>7819564Fuckin gorgeous, the perfect pape; where theme, style, and usability all coincide in a glorious dance of UI. I guess I could say the segmented status bars look a little corny, I'd probably go with thinner segments or just a solid bar, but honestly this just great, well done.
>>7818277Not bad, not bad. Usable, but with some nice flare.
>>7817613Yeah I remember this one, I like what you've done with it. Maybe the icons should be more saturated to pair with the background, or the background should be lightened up a bit, but overall yeah a classic, the layout is killer.
>>7816371Fuck to the yeah. Like other people said, it does feel a bit spaced out, but the fact you NAILED the Subnautica UI is commendable, very nice.