The music player can be opened and closed. It hides itself after ten seconds.
I stole this idea from another person so if you are around sorry m8 I just liked how it showed the desktop with out really loosing functionality.
>>66370257/10 it's OK but I would a bit more effort
>>66370626/10 nothing really done here.
>>66371288/10 Simple clean and straight to the point. It's nice. I would have put some extras but it pretty much speaks for itself.
>>66371487.5/10 for someone who is new nice work. Play around with klwp a but more and you will make something to wow everyone.
>>66371507.5/10 it's not really that different from a default layout. But I'll give you credit for finding that sweet icon pack and clock.
>>6637268Ur the guy from last thread. Great improvements. 9/10
>>6637273Much better 9/10
>>6637324> I like to keep it clean. Meaning you are too lazy to really do anything. 3/10
>>6637332It's cool 6.5/10
>>6637366Webm is messing up for me but this is extremely pretty 10/10
>>6637561Pick better color choices 6/10
>>6637614It's alright but kinda unoriginal. 7/10