>>7700428Really, really great OC anon.
On the starting again, picture this: For a fenix to raise to the top of the world, after he has already come out of the ashes, it's necessary that he was a heron first.
Before you get that surge of explosiveness, that bravery mixed with bravado for a new beginning, you need to dive - like the heron - deep within your memories and events that happend in the recent past, so you can make full amends with them. Like the heron that dives into the shallow, cold and obscure waters to get the fish, just so it can turn itself to the closest approximation that we know of the phoenix: A white bird fully immersed with the warm light of the sunset, along with the treasure in it's mouth.
You can do this and fuck anybody - even yourself at times - that might tell you that you can't.