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There is a word/phrase I love called "event horizon" and what this means is when its too late and you've passed the point of no return. It can be used in tragedies, when a character releazis what mistakes they've made but its too late, Im not calling myself a tragic figure at all, I just think the word fits.
I used to have a lot of friends you know, a whole lot, I had a purpose and goals, an amazing gf. I was happy. Really happy. A year ago to this day they started decaying, and me with them. See I got all of these things in a mental unit, and this is my anniversary of discharge. I didnt get better, no i was too old and I had to leave. One by one I had seen my friends left, people who i loved, and I had never seen them again, I was an old timer there at that point, I had been one of longest patients. I had made a great friendship group at the start and they all left before me, one by one I saw my friends leave. I was going to meet them one the outside I said, we all agreed. When I got out, I had saw what they all did, they pressed resume on their lives but I didnt have one to return too. All of them disliked the past as much as I would come too, so they forgot about the unit, and me. I have a leaving book from last year...only a few people wrote in it, because as my friends left so did parts of me, I stayed in my room until it was time to leave.