it works really well with that wallpaper. to improve (which you dont need to) you would need to try working off of another wallpaper.
personally, i like the minimal look but it doesn't make sense to me why you would have zero icons on a homepage. Id say its a 9.5/10 based on looks alone though.
everything works pretty well together and its pretty tasteful. not a huge fan of that kind of layout but i can see the appeal.
two clocks... your wallpaper doesnt complement any part of your home screen, so its kind of a missed opportunity. i also hate the round icons but thats a personal opinion. its not that bad, just a little below average.
it seems like one of the most functional home screens here, but id give it a 6.5/10 on looks alone. its a little to cartoony for my taste and looks a little too clustered. i might try making the icons a tiny bit smaller to give more space in between them and around the outside.
the things that look wrong with this to me are really easy to fix. move the clock+battery+search widget to the middle page and remove the other clock widget. then just enlarge the clock on that widget and center the icons from the page you got that widget from. this would make your homepage a solid 9/10. i really like those icons, widgets, wallpaper, and that minimal look it has.
rate me please