Trying something different from what I normally have. A bit iffy on the icons and don't know whether I should get a widget or not, I'll hand out some rates so people can look at me.
>>7191920Really ugly, besides being stock. for doing pixel stuff, you should get some pixelated icons or something (or maybe a wallpaper with better pixel art in it)
>>7191921I love this. The systemui theme is also really good.
>>7191947This is also really good, I like the icons. I feel like you could get a better wallpaper but w/e
>>7191949It's too messy for me but whatever.
>>7191985>>7191986Seems kind of cramped, but has a nice style,
>>7191991I really like this. The wallpaper is probably the greatest thing here.
>>7191999Not for me, but looks nice anyways.
>>7192000I think you should get a new icon pack as well. Maybe something black based? But your font could be overall more consistent. Also nice trips.
>>7192064I like it. It's cute and looks clean.
>>7192171The icons clash but good start.
>>7192273Doesn't seem practical but it looks nice to me.
>>7192306It's interesting, I like the aesthetic.
>>7192345Again doesn't seem practical to me but still looks OK.
>>7192351The top one for sure.
>>7192387Seems like a lot of work to scroll through apps but has an interesting aesthetic.
>>7192490This is nice.
>>7192553A bit clashing but it looks like a good start to me.
>>7192611Looks fine to me.
>>7192613Would be better with pixel icons and a font, but a great start anyways.
>>7192739Cute and looks good.
>>7192830It's not for me but I can see this looking good in many other peoples eyes.
>>7192842This is great. I really like the theme here, but you should disable the notification bar,
>>7192847The font seems too tiny to read, but its a good start.
>>7193046Get nova launcher or apex, touchjizz won't allow you to customize a whole lot. Also get a higher resolution wallpaper.
I'm out of typing space sadly, so i'm done here.