Just built a new desk today. As you can see i'm not a huge fan of RGB lighting Probably going to get another monitor next.
>>7457378It looks comfy but a larger desk and a side shelf for all those games and collectors items would do nicely
>>7457487Looks nice but a little cramped. I like that it's a uniform look where everything fits together.
>>7457767Do you have separate stands for your screens? It's cool how both monitors seem to be floating.
>>74581552hightech4me but to each his own, that ultrawide looks beastly.
>>7458285>>7458287>>7458288top comfy but doesn't look practical but who am i to judge.
>>7458769I started out by getting the monitor and keyboard as a gift, eventually saved up enough money through work to be confident in getting a down payment on all my parts and building my own rig. You'll get there mate. Start by getting a desk perhaps?
>>7458851Minimalistic and it doesn't looks like it takes up any space at all, looks great!
>>7458940Nice colour scheme and cool speaker. What model are they?