>>6368281Last thread died because OP didn't give enough of a fuck to bump it from page 10, or post any serious content to otherwise keep it active.
This is one archive site that keeps /wg/
http://archive.nyafuu.org/Not sure how stable it is, but I've used it for about a year now to save content from threads that have expired, as well as recover deleted posts and threads.
Pretty sure there's one or two more, I just don't have them bookmarked & can't remember for sure because nyafuu has met my modest needs.
Also, pic related. Some concept edits, due to limited space.
http://www.4chan.org/rules Fucking read them. 1) 2) 3) 6) and 16) are particularly relevant on /wg/. So, FUCKING READ THEM.
Some of the space on the pic related under point 6) can be recovered for other use by referencing Global Rule 3) ... or maybe use that space to emphasize that Global Rules 1) 2) 3) 6) and 16) are highly relevant to /wg/ so GO FUCKING READ THEM AND DON'T FUCKING FORGET THEM.
Birthday threads have become a cancer that needs to be killed dead. They are garbage and /r/equest threads. Aggressive deletion and warnings/bans are in order.