>>7132996 here again for responses/promised rates/pape>>7133354Not planning on adding more, because any more could lead to an obnoxious amount of flipping and waiting. I might do something with a bgscroll effect though, now that you mention it.
>>7133358Attached is the unmodified artwork. I got rid of the church/emblems on her clothes (obviously), and expanded the black area to fit my screen. Those changes are pretty simple to do but I can put up the modified version too if anyone cares.
>>7133510I did try the pink, but it didn't contrast the way I wanted it to. Was worth a try for sure.
>>7133068Top half is fresh, bottom half is not
>>7133096The geometry here kinda bothers me, with the thick slanted serif font near smooth thin curves.
>>7133338I like it better when it stays still desu, the tilting made be a bit nosh. Otherwise slick.
>>7133352The main screen is the weak link here, specifically the clock. I would probably just have nothing there at all.
>>7133354Never been a fan of the too-much-information style, showing information you can't interact with meaningfully. But if that's what you like, it's at least well organized.
>>7133356A pretty obvious starter attempt, but seems like you're learning the tools well enough. Just keep makin' setups and they'll get better.
>>7133358Icon grids kinda annoy me, because theyre so easy to miss taps on. Mess around with menus and starting apps with gestures in nova.