Pretty empty. Not sad or anything just nothing enjoyable has happened in a while. I spend most of my time sleeping, listening to podcasts, and rewatching the same movie. Classes are okay, I don't enjoy any of them but that is so be expected. I'm constantly putting off things I enjoy because I'm always too tired.
Side note about pic releated, its not amazing but it has a backstory. It was back when I was 17, my dad and I were in parking lot of a strip mall. My dad and Step mom of 10 years were getting divorced and we had to move out of the house. My sister was off to college so the two of us moved into my dad's friends house. It was really just my dad and I moving there though since his friend was a truck driver. My dad and I were out shopping for things for the house and my dad was talking to his dad on the phone. I have never seen my dad cry until then, I didn't want to make it worse by standing around so I started taking pictures of the parking lot. It gave me something to do and made me look preoccupied.
Hope things are going well for all of you guys
>>6765010I know the feeling, I'm in a similar spot. Just wait and things will have to go up eventually.
>>6765001I'm so sorry anon, I hope you and your family the best. Your mom must be so proud to see you succeeding in life, with your own house, living with your girlfriend. I wish you the best.
>>6764995Sucks man, I'm sure it was for the best.
>>6762885I'm so happy for you, nothing in the world could compare to that.
>>6764391It's great to see people working toward their dream, best of luck