Haven't changed anything yet, more feedback would be much appreciated
>>7262143Fairly stock, but it's a really good start! I'd say play around with some different icon packs, and maybe try to give the widgets a lil more character. 6/10
>>7261937I dig it, very similar to one of my first rices. The theme is just a little lacking, I think you could find some better icons for your main page as well as a better font for the clock. 6/10
>>7261605Not bad, but it needs a lil work. I think you could work on the spacing more, maybe give the music icons and info more padding and have a little less information by the weather. Also, apps? I'm guessing you just use your app drawer, maybe if you wanted to you could integrate at least some into your Pape. 7/10
>>7261560Super cute, I dig it. Very focused and consistent style. The overall layout seems a bit spread out, having to scroll that much would be a hassle, but if it works for you fine by me. 8/10
>>7261307Now that's a tasty rice. America/10
>>7261145Very close. I feel like the pape doesn't quite match the layout, and the music text definitely needs to be placed differently, but other than that it's v nice. 7/10
>>7261002I fucking love the style and look, absolutely stellar, I just think the layout could be improved some. The lil slide out drawer could def be improved, it just doesn't feel like it belongs. Maybe an indicator, or having it on the bottom...I dunno, just feels a little out of place. 8/10
>>7262153I guess technically you rated, so I'll give ya my oppinion. The dots on top should definitely be smaller, and you could make the icons a lil bigger, but other then that I dig it. Also noice music taste. 8/10
If I skipped you it's because u didn't critique. R8 to be r8ed