Haven't done anything new in a month. Still really comfy.
>>7285594Really unique. 10/10
>>7285597I love your setup. Maybe adding more info on the side? Weather maybe 10/10
>>7285604I would recommend adding some continuity with the lines. Keeping the clock, songs etc in the same lines as you scroll would make it an easy 9. 7/10
>>7285617Idk how to feel about the bottom apps. If it works for you, more power to you. 8/10
>>7285636Consider removing the sidebar on the bottom for a better look. Also the empty space between the apps is quite jarring. 7/10
>>7285651Hate the note part. How about replacing with a music player? Simplifying the notification bar could also work. Do you really need the up and down speed? 8/10
>>7285652I really like the idea with the calendar on the top. I might copy that. Same as the guy above, do you need battery temp? 8.5/10
>>7285716Everything but the sidebar is really good. 9/10