>>7127259idk if i remember it all, and some of the resources no longer exist. but i will do my best.
https://ravmunken.deviantart.com/art/Deshou-STEAM-372262061 this is my steam theme, and i leave steam in small mode most of the time.
my clock is
https://givesnofuck.deviantart.com/art/Mini-Clock-211426647my drives are based on
https://givesnofuck.deviantart.com/art/Mnml-Drives-211993414 with some minor tweaks and i use the aurora icon set instead.
my terminal is
https://conemu.github.io with the window decoration turned off.
the color scheme is derived from one i found that i thought was neat.
http://dotshare.it/dots/1058/the terminal font is aneu which no longer exists publicly to my knowledge. however a number of bitmap fonts will work just fine as long as they have a true type version.
also i run
https://stefansundin.github.io/altdrag/ because we're not animals :P
i think that's everything. other than the temperature and i can't seem to locate it. but a simple temperature readout rain meter thing using a minimal font is pretty easy to make.
oh one more thing, the terminals run custom python or ruby script for sys info and the other one runs htop through the linux subsystem in windows 10.