>>6543115Not much of a ricer either.
>>6543030Never been much of a fan of brown/mixed browns for rice. Too natural doesn't belong in a computer UI. Well riced though. I like the borders on the browser/music. Looks like a bit of a clusterfuck on the right side of the taskbar though.
>>6542961Keep going. You're getting there.
>>6542769Gostei do 'taskbar'... Este browser e Chrome?
>>6542689Myonmyonmyonmyon best song ever. Shibayan is genious. Love the rice/colors. For constructive criticism: tweak the VS so the font and color that highlights active programs matches everything else.
>>6542584Still sexy as last thread. Matching Steam is a nice touch.
>>6542552Doesn't look like a WHOLE lot of ricing has been done. I like the VS circular start button and open/close buttons. That's a nice touch. Really not feeling the wallpaper.