I'm back boys, better or worse? The whole system stats area on the left was kinda thrown together, I'm gonna work on it some more. Also not sure on the font yet. I tried straight up using the star wars font, but it was too much, so I figured this was a happy medium.
>>6696104Thats a p dope change bra, how'd you make it happen?
>>6696011Personally was a fan of the bottom bar, but still looks clean af, 8/10
>>66959912clocks/10. Hide that bar and maybe frame that pic a little better. It just looks weird with that mini bezzle.
>>6695990Already looks p nice, but yeah could be aligned better. I dont think you need kwlp, but if you want to get more complicated or make the fonts match better, Id suggest it. 7/10
>>6695957Thickness of lines kinda clash, but overall top, 8/10
>>6695881I can appreciate simplicity too, but those icons just dont match the rest of the setup, 5/10
>>6695462I just think you could do something to make the apps and background match. Also yeah hide those titles, 5/10
>>6694882Simple, but clean. I really think hiding that top bar and adding to the clock widget could benefit you, 6/10
>>6694802It just doesn't work man. I dunno, The music player is just super out of place. 6/10
>>6694759Clean, no real advice, 8/10
>>6694758I feel like the clock really clashes, also not a fan of home screens where form trumps function so hard. Clean tho, 6/10
>>6694756Nice, points of originality on the clock widget. Doesn't stand out, but I have no real complaints, 7/10
>>6694594Honestly not bad. Get rid of that top bar tho. Personally id remove the titles and search bar and move the clock up, but thats just me. 6/10