Leftist allies. I have come today to represent Black Lives Matter. You white people have ENSLAVED and OPRESSED us for HUNDREDS OF YEARS. It's about timed you people got on the right side of history. Sign up and give us your support. Our demands are as follows:
> Guaranteed livable minimum income> Corporate and Government reparations> Full and free access for life to education for all black people, including illegal immigrants and felons> Reparations for Cultural Appropriation> Reallocating money away from law enforcement> immediate release and record expungement of all drug related offenses and prostitution, > Universal Health Care> Cutting the military> Stopping Fossil Fuels> Radical Redistribution of Wealth to the black community> Financial Support for Black Institutions> Outlawing Private Schools> Protection and increased funding for Black institutions including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s), Black media and cultural, political and social formations.> end to police surveillance in Black communities> Release of "Political Prisoners" (read: Mumia)> Automatic Vote Registration> Right to vote at 16> Illegal Immigrant and Felon VotingThe link is here: