>>7370529Mental stability usually comes from a good source of Vitamin D, which isn't a vitamin but who gives a damn at this point. You can make vitamin D from adequate sun exposure with out sunblock. Sun screen lotion is positively correlated to a higher risk of cancer and it prevents your body from using the sun to make vitamin D. You can also get vitamin D from seafood and shellfish, Herring is a Good source if you can find it. Omega 3s also come in abundance from seafood and shellfish and you definitely need those for your brain, which is a big ball of cholesterol and chemicals that is electrically conductive and magnetically sensitive.
A lot of your Mental stability also comes from how repetitive you life is. The more repetitive it is, the more stable your mind will be, and also more cabin fever crazy you can become. Waking up early and going to bed early, relative to your daily schedule, as well as daily exercise and daily aerobic activity, are vital to releasing pent up energy as well as extending your general endurance, both physical and mental. Other than a constant wake and sleep schedule, along with giving yourself adequate time to exercise, wake up, and to relax before sleeping, staring at a wall or meditating is also crucial. Basically no thought and no action but your inaction is incredibly focused. It makes sense if you can actually experience it.