I think I'm fairly happy with my "only-css-grid-without-having-to-resort-to-masonry" catalogue layout. Just have to play with font sizes and get "expand on hover" working without ruining everything.
>>6964575First, see if there is a .woff or, even better, a .woff2 version of the font instead, as they are intended to be used on the web. Secondly, convert the font to a data URI and then reference that instead. Here is some further reading:
https://www.zachleat.com/web/web-font-data-uris/ -
http://stephenscaff.com/articles/2013/09/font-face-and-base64-data-uri/>>6964600IDs tend to have a higher specificity, depending on how the selector is written, even with !important. You should check the Computed tab to see what font is actually rendered.