Used to be in these threads all the time, but at this point I just make something simple every few years when I get a new phone
>>7983102Not bad for iPhone. The bottom folders kinda take away but overall well done.
>>7981756Simple but effective. I'd suggest taking that next step and making a more stylish weather widget to match the theme.
>>7981360Wallpaper is sick but I think you could find some more fitting icons.
>>7980741That's a great start. I'd suggest balancing things better, maybe darkening the space behind the timable to make the visuals less messy, and maybe a clock that fits the look better.
>>7980374Very cute, love it. Good look & a good layout, don't really have any critiques.
>>7975455Gives me big 2012 android vibes
>>7975454I dig it. I'm in a similar place, its hard to make something stylish but not needlessy complicated. I try to keep it simple these days too.
>>7975110Love it. Really good work on the animations, all the art goes together well too. Personally not crazy about the icons, but looks great overall.
>>7974539Nice. Icons actually fit really well. Just need a cute looking clock or something.