>>7684399Hey anon. I think what's happened here is a case of the feels. It's perfectly natural for you to feel threatened by her sexual past, especially if she downplays it so. Sexual fidelity is highly important to men, and downplaying past relationships for a guy she "feels something with" primes that feeling because it means she doesn't hold sex in the same regard you do. My first was very much the same, almost down to the exact things she said. Ultimately, whether it's because she's just the first girl, or because she was "self destructive", or because she clearly doesn't value herself as much as her sexual value to you, it'll end like it did for me too.
Take it from a guy who's been there. Don't overthink this, anon. Have your fun and be ready for when you put your shoes on at her place for the last time. That walk away is a walk to your future.