>>6301928Posted in last thread but may as well post here again, does anybody know how to hide the nav buttons?
>>63019346/10 could do with a better background, feels like there's too much going on with the current one
>>6301943>>63019449/10 I'm a sucker for any sleak and simple shit like this
>>6301953>>6301954>>63019558/10 I'm a fan of colourful wall papers that catch people's eye but the first two pages are a bit bland with their icons and usage and the third page is way too crowded. Possibly combine the first two pages together
>>6301973 7/10 quiet bland but I like the black and white together
>>63019769/10 love the mix of the pape and the boxes, also great music taste
>>63019958/10 very classy and well designed
>>63019977/10 it's not bad, it could do with some changes just I can't exactly pinpoint them
>>63019986/10 clock and icons don't match each other and neither of them match the wallpaper
>>63020178/10 saw this in the last thread and really liked it, no real changes to suggest
>>63020407/10 icon reposition and new clock would be suggested but still I like the paper and idea behind it
>>63021278/10 nice and simple just wondering why you have 5 seperate pages on there
>>63021968/10 love how the clock goes with the lights in the wallpaper. Possibly try removing the boxes and if you don't like the icons then replace them with a music player but personally I like the icons with it