>>7048696buy a mac
>>7048432>>7048459n i c e
>>7048449>>7046515mind sharing how to screen record on linux
I use ffmpeg with i can not figure out the settings :/
>>7048320pretty theme
>>7048276a e s t h e t i c
>>7048157nice pape
Is your screen amoled ?
>>7047944fucking kde, nice pape on the right screen
>>7047948a mac ...
>>7047861wrong font i guess
>>7047792>sony >:^)>>7047680use a 64bt kernel with this proc anon
>>7047652xfce nice
>muuuubuntu tho >>7047571one bar on top one on the right
>why not>>7046750a fucking add ...
cmon bsd guy
>>7046424buy a mac
smart tab bar tho
>>70457652 bars
>Justice >>7045773>liveboxfrenchie spotted