Alright, still new at ricing, any advice? I don't know what I should change now.
>>717198211/10, maybe another clock
>>7171997Kek, 10/10
>>7172038Nice and simple, I like it 8/10
>>7172054Still some work to do, the shadows for instance I think, 6.5/10
>>7172063Very beautiful, I don't know what I should tell you to do, it's already efficient, 9/10
>>7172134Very nice, 9.5/10
>>71721448/10, the icons seem a bit out of place (I'm talking about the look, not the actual place of course, sorry poor english here), but it's just me. But I like the style of your pape.
>>7172146Maybe too simple? Just play with klwp, you'll find something nice. 6.5/10