trying something new. disregard the timehops in the webm, had to crop it abit to fit the filesize.
>>7328785v comf.
>>7328789by reading the op
>>7329468>i w-will rate later i p-promise>>7329669w i d e
>>7329701why not make the drawer indicator cute too?
>>7329756you are regressing
>>7329960workaround would be to make the taskbar fit above the navs, its not clickable down there anyways.
>>7330091do something
>>7330112i suggest you rate others
>>7330147i dont
>>7330154if you want it to work better think about the relationship between linespacing and padding from screen edges.
>>7330176clean, i like it. why not round the edges of the album art? to go with the soft feeling. howd you hide navbar but not back?