First rice. Gonna rate as many posts as I can so people can give a shit about my post.
>>7101768>>7101798I like it, but I think that the background is too bright or saturated or whatever. 3/5
>>7101803All I have to say is that it's good. 4/5
>>7101805The animations are nice, usually gnu/linux i3 style homescreens never work, but this is pretty good. 3/5
>>7101818Nice notification bar. Also like the use of colors. 5/5
>>7101824It would be better without icon names. Good job anyways. 3/5
>>7101828Has so much style. 5/5
>>7101909Good rice. I don't know what else to say. 4/5
>>7102107Just make the font more consistent and it will be ok. 2/5
>>7102124Good. Maybe the icons could be bigger? 5/5
>>7102129The icons could be better. Your icons should be chosen to match your wall though. 3/5
>>7102189Pretty good. 3/5
>>7102229Good first try. But get pixel icons or whatever everyone else is saying. 4/5
>>7102305Yeah its good. 3/5
>>7102472Your widgets could be bigger but its ok. 3/5
>>7102476>see above>>7102586Nice consistent theme and such. 5/5
>>7102759I didn't know tolerable iOS rices even existed. that's nice i guess. Bonus points for iOS. 4/5
>>7102792lol. 1/5
>>7102800I think you could have fuller icons. 3/5
>>7102932Actually pretty good. 3/5
>>7102963Nice consistiency. 4/5
>>7103040Nice colors and widgets. 4/5
>>7103426I didn't like the shadow at first but it's ok i guess. Not like there's anything I can do about it anyways. 5/5
>>7103690It was already perfect anon. 5/5
>>7103703A bit too much but looks good anyways. 3/5
>>7104253Nice simplistic homescreen. 4/5
>>7104271It feels kind of spaced out, but that's just personal taste. 3/5
>>7104694It's ok. Could be a lot better though. 2/5
>>7104766I think your icons could be better, but pretty solid. 3/5
>>7104800This is very nice. 5/5
>>7104883Get pixel icons. 2/5
>>7104889Very good. Makes me wanna try kwlp. 5/5