>>55784797/10 very minimalist
>>55786046/10 because colors clash
>>55786058/10 if you get a better music widget
>>55786149/10 I like it
>>55786208/10 all hail cthulhu
>>5578624 4/10 for lel
>>5578625fucking disgusting/10
>>5578644wallpaper please? otherwise 9/10
>>557865610/10 very nice
>>5578694social autist
>>55789359/10 because chrome
>>5579049/g/ would be proud
>>5579051my eyes/10
>>5579070>apple>>55790964/10 meh
>>5579105angelic, I like it
>>5579302similar layout to mine, 10/10
>>5579316pleaseletthisbeatroll. PNG
>>55793469/10 breddy gud
>>5579423/g/ would fucking hate you
>>5579486bigass icons
>>55795117/10 nice dock
>>55795328/10 nice
>>5579540fuck off fagot
>>5579582widget overload but otherwise nice
>>5579780red theme is fine too